Articles – a TC named Cracker…

Alan Myland purchased another NG this time a TC which he called ‘Cracker’.
As part of the refurbishment of Cracker he has documented some very interesting articles that will be of interest to lots of our members, especially the newer ones. He has kindly made them available here, they are all PDF’s.
Alan has written a number of books and his latest is The Rolling restoration of ‘Emma’ – an NG TD Kit Car (which is available as an eBook on Amazon at only £2.49).
Another interesting book is ‘Let’s Build a Kit Car – The Story of Kermit an Aero Cyclecar’ (which is available as an eBook on Amazon at only £1.99).
Introducing a TC called ‘Cracker’ 27-02-24
Cracker’s Running Boards 27-02-24
Cracker’s Footrest 27-02-24
Cracker’s False Luggage Floor 27-02-24
Crackers Cockpit Seat Part 1 28-02-24
Crackers Cockpit Seat Part 2 13-03-24
Cracker’s Bonnet Strengthening Stip 29-02-24